Inquire about participation with Ceptr
This is an opportunity to work with a team of other world-changers on the leading edge.

For the past few years we have been designing and building tools that will help shape the new economy and new structures for organizing to accomplish shared goals. We call the framework for this Ceptr and in recent months, we have gathered momentum and are at a point where we are intentionally growing our team. As an Open Source project, Ceptr is not a profit-driven organization and has no short-term revenue. Most people participate as volunteers. We have been operating as a "do-acracy," empowering people to participate in whatever ways they see fit within self-directed teams. As we move forward, we are implementing new ways of recognizing the contributions of our community members and supporting them and their growth. You may be offered compensation in cryptocurrencies, or other currencies based on performance and the project needs.

Specifically, we are launching a blockchain alternative called Holochain, and many related new P2P applications which run on it. We are also building a Commons Engine as a platform for capitalizing and operating decentralized alternatives to Uber, AirBnB, etc.

These kinds of tools are the foundation of the emerging regenerative economies.

Learn more at: ~ ~ ~ 

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