Social Justice Toolkit Download
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Social Justice Toolkit
The Hot Potato Initiative has created a set of resources designed to help high school students engage with socioeconomic inequality through a social justice lens. Each Module will explore an issue of importance related to homelessness and inequality in Canada.

The Social Justice Toolkit serves as a primer to our curriculum, equipping youth with the basic knowledge and tools to meaningfully engage with issues. It consists of 3 parts: Privilege & Identity, Discrimination, and Systems Thinking. Each part includes a lesson plan and presentation deck for educators, as well as a handout for students.

These resources were created by undergraduate students at the University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, McGill University, Queen's University, Western University, and University of Victoria, with thorough research and in consultation with non-profit leaders and educators.
About Us
The Hot Potato Initiative is a non-profit organisation working to educate & engage young Canadians in the conversation about homelessness. Founded in 2016, today we involve over 500 university and high school students across Canada.

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