Dovetail Academy feedback survey
Hello fellow Dovetailers 👋 

Our goal with Dovetail Academy is to ensure you are all on the right path, deepening your customer understanding with Dovetail. 

We’re so lucky to have such an open community here at Dovetail so send us your feedback, share Academy with your team, and let us know what’s working and what’s not. We appreciate your support in helping us improve the quality of Dovetail Academy. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Which course(s) in Dovetail academy have you taken?
How satisfied are you with the overall content and quality of the course?
Extremely dissaisfied
Extremely satisfied
Please explain why you chose this rating.
Before taking this course, how would you rate your Dovetail knowledge on the topics covered?
Little to no knowledge
Quite knowledgable
Please explain why you chose this rating.
After taking this course, how would you rate your Dovetail knowledge on the topics covered?
Little to no knowledge
Quite knowledgable
Please explain why you chose this rating.
How likely are you to recommend this course to other Dovetail users?
Not likely
Very likely
Please explain why you chose this rating.
Please leave your name and email if you're open to us reaching out to you about your feedback!
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