DA Madrid Event Feedback Survey
Please help Democrats Abroad Madrid's leadership to best serve you, our members, by completing this brief survey. Your feedback is appreciated! This will help us to plan our monthly meetings and make our organization stronger.

Note that this feedback is specific to the DA Madrid chapter; it is not applicable to Democrats Abroad at a global or Spanish national level.

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Which event modality most appeals to you? *
How interested would you be in an informational tax seminar? *
Very interested
Not interested at all
How interested would you be in a documentary/film screening? *
Very interested
Not interested at all
How interested would you be in a formal debate/round table? *
Very interested
Not interested at all
How interested would you be in cultural/activist/social justice workshops?
Very interested
Not interested at all
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Are there any event themes not listed that you would like to see at DA Madrid events?
Please share any additional ideas or comments you may have
Remember that we are still on the lookout for a location for our in-person meetings! Have any ideas? Please let us know!
Thank you for participating!
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