District Test Coordinator Designation for 2023-2024 School Year
210:10-13-4(a)(1). School superintendents shall designate both district and building test coordinators before October 1 of each school year. Names and telephone numbers of district test coordinators shall be recorded on the OSTP Questionnaire conducted in the fall semester of each school year.
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Email *
Name of Superintendent approving this information: *
 By providing your name, you are electronically designating your DTC.  
Superintendent's Email *
Must be school associated email
District Name: *
Name only, no district code
Full County-District Code: *
District Testing Coordinator (DTC) Information
The DTC is the OSDE's contact for all testing activities administered through the Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP). In general, the DTC is responsible for making all arrangements for testing, handling, and maintaining the secure distribution and collection of test materials, and training Building Test Coordinators (BTC), Test Administrators (TAs), Test Proctors (TPs), and other key staff. District Test Coordinators cannot serve as a test administrator or test proctor if more than one test session is going on at the same time.
DTC First Name: *
DTC Last Name: *
DTC Email: *
Must be school associated email
DTC school phone number: *
Approximately how long has this person served as the District Test Coordinator (DTC)? *
District Shipping Address (Testing Materials)
This is the address where all district testing materials will be sent. Must be a physical address capable of receiving mail and large shipments, NOT a PO Box.
Street Address (Shipping Address): *
City: *
State (Abbreviated): *
Zip Code: *
Name of the EL Coordinator *
Email address of the EL Coordinator *
Phone number of the EL Coordinator *
DTC Certification *
Alternate DTC
In addition to the DTC, this person will be included in all communications regarding State testing and will assume the role of District Testing Coordinator in the event the acting DTC is unable to fulfill this role, either temporarily or permanently.
Alternate DTC Name: *
Alternate DTC Email: *
Must be school associated email
Alternate DTC School Phone Number: *
Building Test Coordinator Information: *
210:10-13-4. Test security and validity   (a) Test security. School administrators and their designees shall maintain security on tests administered under the auspices of the Oklahoma School Testing Program through following the procedures listed below: (1)  Test coordinators. School superintendents shall designate both district and building test coordinators before October 1 of each school year. Names and telephone numbers of district test coordinators shall be recorded on the OSTP Questionnaire conducted in the fall semester of each school year.
District Technology Coordinator
This person is contacted for technical training or regulation pertaining to the state assessments. They will be added to a list serv for communications regarding technical preparation and operation of state assessments.
District Technology Coordinator Name:
District Technology Coordinator Email:
Must be school associated email
District Technology Coordinator Phone Number:
Additional Contact Information (Optional)
If you would like an additional staff member to receive DTC communication, please provide the following information (e.g., Technology Coordinator, Assistant or Co-DTC, Principal, etc.).
Additional Contact Name:
Additional Contact Email:
Must be school associated email
Does your district have grade 11 students?
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