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SACLC Contact Form
Thank you for expressing your interest in Sydney Autism Community Lions Club!
Please fill in this form and - if you provide your contact details - we'll get back to you!
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Email address
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Phone number
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Postcode, suburb, locality...
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How did you find out about us?
I met you at an Ask an Autistic event
I saw your poster
I found you on social media (e.g. Facebook or Instagram)
I found you on Meetup
I found you on the internet
Someone referred me to you
I'm friends with at least one of your members
Why do you wish to engage with us?
I might want to join your club
I know someone who might want to join your club
I want to come to your meetings
I want to come to your events
I want to collaborate with you on a service project or opportunity
I think you can help me with something
If you wish to elaborate on any of the above questions, or you wish to make an enquiry, or you just want to leave a comment.
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