We need your input!
Thank you for supporting Scarecrow Video through your purchases of new DVDs, Blu-rays and 4K's from us! We are asking for your help to improve our sales selection by completing this survey. Thank you in advance for providing feedback and contributing to making Scarecrow one of the most amazing video resources on the planet!
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1. Which formats do you purchase (check all that apply)?
2. For the following sections, which ones would you like to see more purchase options for (check all that apply)? 
3. Based on your answer above, please rank the sections in order, with 1 being your top choice for more purchase options.
4. For 4K purchasers, how much is price a factor when purchasing new releases?
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5. If Scarecrow doesn't have something in stock, how frequently do you consider special ordering it?
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6. Which labels do you purchase most frequently (check all that apply)?
7. What most factors into your purchasing decision?
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8. Are there any labels/genres you'd like to see Scarecrow carry more often?
9. Is the store layout easy to figure out? If not, what would you change?
10. Would you be interested in pre-ordering films as part of our prebook club?
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Thank you so much for taking our survey!
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