Accountability Mapping Interest Form
Want to transform your relationship to accountability?  I can help you -

- Take new actions aligned with your visions and values
- Strengthen your inner compass and show up as your highest self
- Embody centered accountability
- Identify and understand patterns of harm
- Make meaningful amends to individuals and communities

Please fill out this interest form for a free 30 min consultation. I will reach out when a spot opens up at your sliding scale level.

Level 3 currently has some openings,  levels 1 & 2 have a waiting list.

Thank you, I look forward to meeting you!

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Email *
Name: *
Pronouns: *
What are your hopes and goals for our work together? *
What questions, concerns or fears do you have? *
Please choose a contribution that feels both sustainable and meaningful for a 1 hour/weekly session over a period of months.
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What intersectional identities shape your lived experiences in the world? (Share as little or as much as you want)
Are there any access needs you want to share?
Have you read the "What we can't do" section of my website?  *
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