Unity (Engine/Game Play) Programmer Job Application Form
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Email *
What's your full name? *
What country are you based in? (We are currently only hiring applicants based in the western hemisphere.) *
What type of position are you looking for? *
What's the worst part of working with the Unity engine? (2 sentences) *
How many game development projects have you completed with the Unity Engine? (school, professional or personal projects, not including sample projects) *
How many game development projects have you been a part of that were three or more developers (including you)? (school work counts here) *
How much experience do you have with the following technologies / products? *
1 - 6 months
6 - 18 months
1.5 - 3 years
3 - 5 years
5 - 10 years
10+ years
Unity Engine
Unreal Engine
Visual Studio
Unity Profiler
Please provide us a url link to your portfolio: *
Please provide us a url link for us to download your resume package. (Cover letter is recommended) If you are in school or have recently graduated, please provide a transcript as well. *
And finally, where did you first hear about this job posting? *
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