Georgetown Lutheran Church - New Member Form
Fill in this form when you're ready to join our congregation.  Usually, this is after conversation with our pastor - and possibly attending one of our "Getting Connected" sessions which are bimonthly on the fourth Sunday of the month.
As you join a congregation, we ask the following information for our records, but also invite your reflection on what it means to be a member.  We are excited to welcome you!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
What does membership at GLC mean to you?  Check all that apply: *
Date of birth *
Place of birth *
Date & place of baptism (approx. ok - or if you have not been baptized, indicate here!) *
Home Address *
Cell phone
Home phone
Email *
Tell us a bit about yourself . . .
Your answers to the following questions will not be published or widely shared - it's just to help our pastor & leaders connect with you and help you find your place at GLC.
What brought you to GLC?  
To you, what's the significance of joining as a member (there are no wrong answers)?
What's your work and/or what takes up your time when you're not at church?
What are your interests/hobbies/hidden talents?
Anything else you want to share?
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