Soft Power Virtual Choir Community Agreements and Mailing List

We have been called by our ancestors and guides to re-member the power of collective singing as creative resistance to colonial powers that want to silence our voices. For centuries our ancestors sang together to co-regulate, to express, and to channel Spirit, however, the communal singing space has been co-opted to further colonial agendas causing harm to people of the global majority, people with disabilities, and the queer community.

The vision for the Soft Power Choir is to be a fun-loving safe haven for individuals seeking an emergent and creative healing space to explore and activate power in the voice—the soul’s unique frequency—in order to create a ripple effect of healing in ourselves, families, communities, and the world.

Our intention is to create deep relations with the membership of the choir in order to create and record original music, perform at Soft Power gatherings and other events, as well as collaborate with Black, Indigenous, Queer, and Trans musicians and communities with the desire to uplift messages of Soft Power.

Click HERE to read and review our Community Agreements

We will hold gatherings every other Monday, unless communicated otherwise.

By completing this form, you consent to receiving e-mails about the choir's schedule, Zoom links, and any additional announcements as needed. We will not spam your e-mail or share your e-mail with any other mailing list.

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Name: *
Pronouns: *
E-mail *
What gifts would you like to share with our choral community? (Optional) (i.e. play an instrument, lead meditation, prayer, etc.) 
Would you like to be added to our mailing list, where you will receive updates on other Soft Power offerings? *
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