Ka Pilina Noʻeau 2 Parent Workshop 2024
The Ka Pilina No'eau parent workshops teach STEM concepts through Hawaiian and local culture to help parents become more confident in supporting children's math and science learning at home.

Online (Zoom) Sessions, 6 - 7:15pm:
- May 8, 15, 29
- June 5, 12, 19

In-person Sessions, 5 - 7:15pm:
- Oʻahu: June 21
- Kona: June 22

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Email *
Parent First and Last Name *
Mailing address to send workshop materials *
Phone number (including area code) *
Child's FIRST and LAST name who is participating in the Ka Pilina Noʻeau 2 project  *
School that your child is attending while participating in the Ka Pilina Noʻeau 2 project *
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