Cohort 3 - Kentucky Reading Academies LETRS for Administrators Registration Form
Participants who are interested in completing Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) fully funded, state-wide professional learning must complete this registration form.

Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 participants will not need to register for Cohort 3 as they are already enrolled in the professional learning.

LETRS for Administrators is a one year course that enables leaders to effectively support educators as they engage in the LETRS course of study and work to implement the learnings in their classrooms. LETRS for Administrators is a professional learning opportunity designed to guide state, district, and building administrators and instructional leaders in creating adaptable and suitable literacy initiatives using systems thinking and implementation science. The program defines the systems and infrastructures required to successfully implement a sustainable literacy program aligned to scientifically based research.   

Want to learn more before you sign up? 
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