Digimon Card Game Booster SECRET CRISIS [BT17] Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in the Digimon Card Game Booster SECRET CRISIS [BT17].
We'd like to hear your feedback on this set in order to further improve our products.
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Please select your gender. *
Please input your age as a number. *
Where do you live? *
What other card games have you played in the last 6 months? *
What is the first Digimon Card Game (English ver.) product you EVER purchased? *
Which Digimon card game product that was released before this product was the last Digimon card game product you bought? *
How did you first hear about SECRET CRISIS [BT17] or usually get your Digimon Card Game information? *
How many SECRET CRISIS [BT17] packs did you purchase at launch? *
Were you able to buy this product at MSRP ($4.49 pack/$107.76 box)? *
Were you able to buy as much product as you wanted? *
Why did you purchase this product? *
What do you like about SECRET CRISIS [BT17]? *
What do you like about the Digimon Card Game? *
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with  SECRET CRISIS [BT17] on a scale of 1 to 10? (10 being the highest) *
1 (Lowest)
10 (Highest)
How are you using the Digimon Card Game? *
Who do you play the Digimon Card Game with? *
Which event(s) did you participate in?
Have you participated in any official online events such as Ultimate Cup, or Online Regionals? *
What kind of events and measures are you looking for in DIGIMON CARD GAME in the future?
Which prizes do you want to want to receive as prizing from official events?
If one of the previous questions does not have the product you purchased, please tell us why.
What other Digimon merchandise do you collect or play and would like to continue collecting?
Have you read "DIGIMON LIBERATOR"? *
Which of the following anime have you watched?
If you are currently watching Digimon anime, how do you watch it?
What cards or characters do you want to see in upcoming Digimon products?
Do you have a favorite character or series other than Digimon?
What's your favorite Digimon card or card art so far? (Please be specific with card number)
Please let us know any other comments you have about  SECRET CRISIS [BT17] or the Digimon Card Game. Thank you.
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