Traveling Boater Behavior Survey
Complete the survey for a chance to win a $100 Rapala prize package from Wildlife Forever!
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What state do you currently live in? *
What is your age? *
How often do you travel to other states with your watercraft? *

What type of boater are you when traveling with your boat?

What is your familiarity with Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)? *
Where do you get your information regarding AIS? Select all that apply. *
How much do you feel that AIS impacts your boating experience?  *
How much do you feel that AIS impacts the environment?  *
Do you know of states that require inspection/decontamination of your watercraft before launching? *
List the states that you know require inspection/decontamination.
When traveling with your boat, how often do you stop at an inspection station? *

What do you prefer as an effective means to preventing the spread of AIS?

How effective do you believe watercraft inspection/decontamination is at preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species? *
How would you rate the experience of getting an inspection/decontamination of your watercraft? *
Please explain your rating and experience of getting your watercraft inspected/decontaminated.

Would you support legislation to install watercraft cleaning equipment a boat ramps?

How valuable would you find a resource on AIS regulations for each state? *
How valuable would you find a nationwide map of inspection, decontamination, and cleaning stations? *
Have you heard of the invasive species program "Protect the West"? *
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