Buddhist Fellowship Junior Youths (JY) 2023 Registration

The JY Programme is a platform for teenagers to learn the Dhamma, make friends, and have fun! The programme is for teenagers aged 13-16 years old. Lessons are held every Saturday (3-5PM) at Buddhist Fellowship West Centre (2 Telok Blangah Street 31 #02-00 Yeo’s Building, 108942)

You may register your teenager for the JY programme by filling up this form. 

For queries, you can write to info@buddhistfellowship.com or contact the BF West Office (+65 6278 0900)/ Bro Sze Yuan (WhatsApp: 9682 5271).

Thank you for your interest in our JY programme!
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Name of Parent/Guardian *
Relationship with child *
HP number of Parent/Guardian (for adding into WhatsApp grp) *
Email address of Parent/Guardian *
Child #1 - Name/Gender/Age in 2022 (eg. John Tan/ M/ 15) *
HP number of Child #1 (for adding into WhatsApp grp)
Child #2 (if applicable) - Name/Gender/Age in 2022 (eg. John Tan/ M/ 15) *
HP number of Child #2 (for adding into WhatsApp grp)
Would you like to register your child for the JY programme for year 2023? *
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