Growing for Good Participation Form

Thank you for your interest in photographing Urban Growers Collective farms as part of the Growing for Good project! We are thrilled to offer this opportunity to our member communities; please note, you must be an active member of APA or ASMP to sign-up.

Our goal is to have photographers present at the farm throughout the entire season, from June to October 2023. The more photographers actively engaged, the greater the chances of additional exposure for the project, including potential exhibitions and books.

After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email containing your preferred shoot dates and locations, along with important guidelines and an electronic waiver. Your edited collection of images will be credited and shared with Urban Growers Collective for their marketing and communications efforts.

Don't forget to mark your calendars for the launch event on Friday, July 28, at 6pm. It will take place at Stephen Hamilton's studio located at 1520 W. Fulton. It's open to all and is sure to be an exciting gathering!

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out. We can't wait to collaborate with you on this inspiring project.

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Cell Phone Number
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I am a member of:
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I want to provide the following kinds of images:
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I am available for these dates/times/locations: 
South Chicago Farm, 9000 S. Mackinaw
July 29, PM
Wednesdays, 3-7:30PM
Thursdays, 3-7:30PM
Fridays, 10-5PM
Saturdays, 9-5PM
Dates/times/locations, continued
Roosevelt Square Farm, 1250 S. Loomis St
Thursdays, 10-3:30PM
Saturdays, 9-5PM
Dates/times/locations, continued
Grant Park Art on the Farm, 119 E. Congress Pkwy
Without farmers-- Any time! Public access
With farmers, Thursdays between 10-3:30
What kind of images would you like to take? Anything else we should know?
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