End-Of-The-Month Reflection
Please fill in at the end of each month. This is not a report and would never be used to evaluate you in any way. This is just a way for you to reflect on your progress over time. You can send a copy of these responses to your email after you complete the form.
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Email *
Your Name *
Your Program *
MM/YYYY (e.g. 03/2023) *
What are your high-level goals lately (e.g. improving research skills, working on framing research projects, networking, being part of a lab culture, working on research presentation skills, etc.)?  *
What did you do towards each of the goals specified above (if nothing, that's okay, this is just a reflection)? *
What else did you do/learn/noticed/realized in the past month?
On what goals would you like to work more next month? *
In what areas/aspects do you think you might need more support from Dr. Kuzminykh next month and what format could be used for it?
Anything else you might want to share:
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