LBA Directory: Member Listing & Advertising
Lakeland Builders Association prints an annual directory of membership. The guides are distributed throughout the year at LBA events and member socials, on racks throughout the County and mailed by request. The member information in the directory is also posted online and updated regularly with membership changes.

FOR 2023, full and half page print ads also include online, digital ad placement on the LBA website, linked to the URL of your choice (website, PDF, map, ect.) See the LBA website to view placement and more details below.

This form is to confirm your member listing and order advertising for the new guide.

DEADLINE: Thurs, Oct 6.
Contact: LBA EO Patricia Bladow, Email:,
LBA Phone, Voicemail, Text Message: 262-723-2908

Directory Ad Dimensions
Eighth page   2.51” wide x 1.53” high
Quarter page         2.51” wide x 3.42” high
Half page 5.15” wide x 3.42” high, and 275x275 pixel digital ad
Full page 5.15” wide x 7.1” high,
                               and 275x275 pixel digital ad (standard) 
                               or 300x300 pixel digital ad (premium)  

Directory Trim Size: 6” x 7.76"
Preferred File Format: PDF (high resolution), 300 dpi, CMYK (no spot/Pantone colors), All fonts embedded or outlined.

All advertisers are to be current members of the Lakeland Builders Association as of the publication deadline.
Advertising is invoiced by LBA upon publication going to print. Payment is due within 30 days of invoice date.
All orders are subject to LBA's acceptance. LBA reserves the right to reject or cancel advertising for any reason, including any advertising which, in the opinion of the publisher, does not conform to the standards of the publication. All advertisements are accepted and published by LBA upon the presentation that the agency and advertiser are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof.
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