Finding Synergy with Stakeholders: How to Build Bridges for Successful Communication?  (Stronger Roots Academy)
  • When4. 12. 2024 (Wednesday)
  • TIme9:00 - 12:00
  • Where: online/Zoom - please register, the Zoom link will be send to your email address later on
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Name *
Surname *
Gender *
Email *
Do you have any request regarding the accessibility of the webinar, e.g. do you need a sign language interpreter, instant transcription, etc.? 
Name of your network/organisation *

For what type of stakeholders (e.g. from business, public administration, different levels of public administration/local/regional/state, general public etc.) does your organisation need a communication plan?

Which specific stakeholder are you failing to engage effectively?

Which topic of your network/organisation is most neglected by stakeholders (and you would like to improve it)?

Do you agree with receiving emails with informations about similar events from Glopolis? (you can unsubscribe anytime) *
By registering for the event, I agree that screenshots of me may be taken at the event for the purpose of recording and informing and may be made public by the Stronger Roots consortium.
By submitting this form, I agree to process and store listed data by the Stronger Roots consortium (Glopolis, OSF Prague, OSF Bratislava, NIOK Foundation) for 5 calendar years after the end of the project. Participants’ data will be used only for the performance monitoring and evaluation of the Stronger Roots Program managed by the Stronger Roots consortium as well as by the European Union through the CERV Programme. As part of the CERV Programme performance monitoring framework, it is mandatory to collect data on the gender of event participants. These data will be shared with the EU only in the form of aggregated and anonymous numbers.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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