PDRC Event Registration                              
The Fordham Professional Development Resource Center for Religious and Independent Schools (PDRC) invites you to complete this form to register for the upcoming online webinars and in-person workshops.

The Fordham PDRC events are eligible for Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) credits provided that:
1) You arrive on time and are present for the entire duration of the event, and
2) Use a school e-mail address. Personal emails will NOT be honored.

For additional information, please visit the Fordham PDRC website at​ bit.ly/NYCPDRC
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Middle Initial
Upcoming Events *
Name of your School *
My role is: *

Thank you for registering with the NYS/NYC Professional Development Resource Center for Religious and Independent Schools (PDRC) at Fordham University. 

You will be receiving a confirmation email with link/s for the virtual and/or in-person event(s) shortly. 

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