Common Practices for Subgroup  Identification and Analysis
This is the Data Collection Tool for Assessing Common Practices in Biomarker and Subgroup Analysis and Identification in Pharmaceutical Industry.

This survey is conducted by the Subgroup Analysis Working Group sponsored by the industry group QSPI (Quantitative Sciences in the Pharmaceutical Industry) operating as part of the Society for Clinical Trials and is intended solely for collecting anonymous responses with the purpose of identifying common trends in how subgroup analyses (SA) are conducted within pharmaceutical industry. The survey will assess the current state of subgroup analysis/identification activities in industry in order to help integrate good practices and create a unifying framework for SA across industry.

No information directly identifying companies or respondents will be collected
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Where do you work? *
Please provide some information about your company
What department do you work at? *
Please provide some information about your functional area
What  types of Subgroup Analysis (SA) are routinely done in your company? *
Please read carefully the explanation for different types (or domains) of SA provided below and choose as many as you use.
What  type of Subgroup Analysis you are most familiar with ? *
Please choose only one type at a time from the 4 types described above because the subsequent questions will apply only to the SA type you have selected for this question. If you are familiar with more than 1 type, please complete a separate survey for each of the SA type(s).
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