Screener Questionnaire

Welcome to our screener questionnaire!

We are seeking participants for an interview study focused on understanding pilot behavior during in-flight communication. In this study, you will have the opportunity to operate a Cessna 152 in a virtual reality (VR) environment and perform various flight communication tasks. We will collect data on your performance to explore how visual aids impact air traffic control (ATC) communications and pilot effectiveness.

Your responses will help us assess your suitability for participation in this project. The questionnaire should only take a few minutes to complete. Please provide honest and thoughtful answers to ensure accurate evaluation.

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1. What type of license are you currently hold?

If you select "None of the above" in the previous question, could you please briefly describe any experience you have had with pilot-ATC communications? This could include indirect or observational experiences, or any unique circumstances relevant to the field.

2. What type(s) of ATC communication rules do you fly?


3. What is your gender?


4. What is your age?

5. How many flight hours have you accumulated as a pilot-in-command?
6. Since our study will be conducted using a Cessna 152, could you please indicate your familiarity with flying either aircraft ? *
Not familiar at all
Very familiar
7. Is English your native language? *

8. To what extent do you agree or disagree that current ATC communication methods (listening on the radio while simultaneously flying the plane) increase your mental workload and negatively affect your operating?

9. Do you have any prior experience with virtual reality (VR) environments? *

10. To ensure your safety and comfort, please indicate if you have any medical conditions that might be affected by the use of VR technology (e.g., motion sickness, epilepsy, vestibular disorders, visual impairments).

We often conduct research studies related to human-computer interactions within the field of aviation. Would you be interested in receiving email invitations to participate in our future studies? *
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