Parent and Community Health and Wellbeing Survey (Holy Trinity Catholic School)
This survey has been developed to support work being undertaken by Heaward Solutions on behalf of the St Teresa of Calcutta Multi Academy Company (MAC) to develop a comprehensive strategy for promoting health and wellbeing. 

You have been asked to contribute to this survey because your child attends one of the schools within the MAC or you live nearby to one of the MACs schools. 

Health and wellbeing can be described as “A state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing which enables individuals to feel positive and function well on a personal and social level, and which enables them to adopt and maintain a positive outlook.”

The survey will help the MAC and its partner schools to:

* Contribute to positive health and wellbeing at both an individual, school, and local community level,

Enable individual success and the fulfilment of personal potential,

Contribute to building and sustaining supportive, vibrant, and successful communities.

The strategy will initially focus on the role of sport and physical activity on health and wellbeing, however, this will later be expanded to consider physical welfare, emotional wellbeing and life chances. 

The survey explores your views and personal experience providing an opportunity for you to explain how you think the MAC might support and improve health and wellbeing. 

The experiences and views of parents and local communities are very important so we hope you can help by finding a little time to complete this survey. The survey typically takes no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your responses to this survey are private and will only be used to assist Heaward Solutions in advising the MAC. No responses will be directly attributed to an individual or passed on to the individuals schools.  

Win a £30 Argos Voucher:

To say thank you for your time in fully completing this survey, if you provide an email address at the end of the survey we will enter you into a draw to win a £30 Argos Voucher. This will be drawn on the 20th of December 2022 and the winner advised by email. The Voucher will be posted out within 48 hours of the winner confirming their contact details. 

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