Babesburgh Creative Entrepreneur & Artist Directory
Babesburgh invites you to join our list of women-identifying and non-binary creative entrepreneurs & artists across Western Pennsylvania.

The directory will be published in March in celebration of Women's History Month (MARCH 1 - 31) to our website. A printable PDF will also be available for download. 

Categories: Multiple areas of work can be listed.

Upon selection, Babesburgh will email a request for one image of your work, studio, place of business, or yourself. By uploading an image, your consent is given for Babesburgh to post the image on our website, social media, newsletters, or other sources. All images remain copyrighted to the artist or creative entrepreneur. 

Deadline to apply: February 16, 2024

For questions and inquires, please email:

All love • All identities • One circle 

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Name: *
Business name (if different than personal name):
Are you a woman-identifying or non-binary creative entrepreneur or artist? *
Bio (please limit to one sentence): *
Pronouns (optional): *
Email address: *
Link to portfolio or website: *
Do you live in Western Pennsylvania? *
Please list your primary location: *
What is your area of work? *
Do you own a shop? *
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