This is the teacher registration form to be an "Adult Sponsor" for students participating in NMSEF
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Teacher Last Name
Teacher First Name
Teacher Preferred Email
Teacher Preferred Phone Contact (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Teacher School Name
(If Home School, please write "Home School")
Teacher School District
(If Home School, please write "Home School")
Teacher Grade Level Taught
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Are you new to NMSEF?
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School SRC (Scientific Review Committee) Names
The School SRC are professionals that will help review projects at the school level before they are submitted to NMSEF.  Professions such as: School Nurse, Administrator, other Non-Science Fair Teachers, School Phycologist, etc.

If you do not have an SRC, or do not know who they are at this time - write "NMESF" and we will assist you.

The Safety and Review committee will be reading each project on November 9th at the North Museum (4:00 – 7:00pm – dinner provided), and we need your help.  We are asking that one (or more) teacher from each participating school attend this meeting to not only help review all projects, but also to assist in minor issues with your school’s projects and to take the completed projects back to your school after review.  

Will you be able to attend the 11/9/23 Safety & Review night?

Do you have an educator nomination for the 2023 Board of Director's Excellence in Science Education Award? *
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