ViSH Survey
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Age *
Gender *
Occupation *
Please estimate your expertise in the use of e-Learning platforms or virtual learning environments (Moodle, Blackboard, etc.).
A lot
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Please estimate your expertise in the use of ICT in education.
A lot
Clear selection
How often do you use ViSH?
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What is your overall opinion of the ViSH platform? *
How would you describe the experience of learning to use ViSH? *
Very difficult
Very easy
Please rate your opinion about the following services or features of the ViSH platform. *
Never used it
1 (Awful)
5 (Excellent)
Social network (follow users, comments, private messages, notifications, etc.)
Uploading and publication of resources to ViSH
Authoring tool to create interactive presentations (ViSH Editor)
Authoring tool to create lessons
Search service
Advanced search service
Recommender system
Homepage of the user
Categories (personal folders)
Download of resources
Resource metadata
Evaluation system
Importation of resources (SCORM, IMS QTI, Web Applications, ...)
ARS (Audience Response System)
Learning analytics
Help and tutorials
Please rate the usefulness of the following types of resources that you can find in ViSH: *
Don´t know what it is
1 (Not Useful)
5 (Very Useful)
Files (pictures, videos, audios, PDFs, flash objects, document files, SCORM packages, web applications, etc.)
Links and embeds (links to external websites)
Interactive Presentations
Collections of resources (categories)
ViSH can be used for many different activities. Which of the following are more important for you? Please rate the importance of each one using a scale from 1 (unimportant) to 5 (very important). *
1 (Unimportant)
5 (Very important)
Connect with other users and share experiences
Search for educational resources
Share resources
Publish my resources
Create novel resources
Create and publish collections of educational resources
Use resources in the classroom to support face to face learning
Use resources as activities or assessments for students
Use resources in virtual learning environments (Moodle, Blackboard, etc.)
Use resources for self-learning
Involve students in the creation and/or evaluation of educational content
If you use ViSH for any other activity, please, let us know and rate the importance that this activity has for you in a scale from 1 (unimportant) to 5 (very important).
Would you use ViSH again? *
Would you recommend ViSH to others? *
What do you like most of the ViSH platform?
What do you like least of ViSH?
Do you have any other comments, suggestions or feedback?
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