Elective Addition 7th Grade
We have two additional elective options for 7th grade students, and need to know your child's level of interest in enrolling in these elective classes.  Please see the descriptions below.  Please complete the survey to indicate your child's level of interest so we can ensure we give electives to students based on choice.

Literature Exploration 7--ELA Teacher
If you love reading books and watching movies, this elective is for you! Read books and excerpts from books, then watch movies and film clips to compare and contrast the ways that story-telling, plot, themes, setting, and ideas are conveyed in different mediums. Students will read both at home and during class, watch movies and film clips during class, and engage in active discussions. Students will read two full novels, and one graphic novel, as well as several short stories and excerpts from novels. 

PE--Intramural Sports
Extend your PE time and knowledge with intramural sports, including soccer, touch football, and other team sports.  Create and learn games and enjoy some friendly competition.  Students will need to wear footwear for participating!
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My child's interest in the Literature Exploration Elective:
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