Description: ANALOGICA52 is a Verbal Reasoning Questionnaire, consisting of 52 analogies. It is the formal extended version of the original test ANALOGICA30, for those who have enjoyed the test. The (hopefully) primary advantage of the extended version, shall be a greater discrimination for various IQ ranges, allowing for most people to reach a sufficient or satisfactory amount of solves.
Solution(s) are precise as one spots the correct idea for a given problem.
Problems nature is abstract, intuitive, symbolic, holistic, crystallized, culture fair; or more.
Sufficient solving time is about 10 to 15 hours, for one to reach their potential solves.
References are entirely allowed; you may consult the www for missing knowledge.
Parenthesis number for each problem, denotes the number of letters of the answer.
Please complete this test on your own, using your own reasoning and abilities.
Respect the work of the author and the integrity of the test, and above all - your own ability.
Submission(s): Free of charge, your score will be corrected manually.
For this test, experimental "feature" in the score report is implemented. You will receive ALL the # of items you have answered incorrectly. Of course; there will be no explanations, or correct answers given.
For a more official report, submission(s) are also corrected @
A fee of 3.00€ is now mandatory for correcting this test; via PayPal (
LOGOS (A relative 50 question Verbal Analogies Contest), has been published: