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Boundaryless Boot Camp Sign Up
Boundaryless Boot Camp will get you ready for Boundaryless' Summer Session. It also serves as a "test drive" of sorts to see if Boundaryless is for you!
Saturday, June 22, 1-3pm
Sunday, June 23, 1-3pm
If you can only attend one day instead of both days, just let me know
Broadhead Office: 411 Washington Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Parking directions in PDF attached
Take the elevator to floor 6
Call or text me if you have any troubles accessing the building: 320-212-1228
What to expect
Day 1
An overview/ Q&A on the larger Summer Session
Group Activity/ Game - Understanding the roles within advertising
Day 2
A session on understanding DEI in the workplace
Group Activity/ Game - Understanding Big Ideas vs. Tactics
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to save your progress.
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Please check any of the following that applies to you
I have already applied to the 5 week Summer Session
I have not applied to the 5 week Summer Session, but am interested in doing so
I will not be applying to the 5 week Summer Session and only want to partake in Boot Camp
I am unaware of a 5 week Summer Session, please send me more info!
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