Welcome aboard!
Learning how to code is an exciting yet challenging journey. We would love to *CONNECT* you with resources that could lead you to your *NEXT* step. 

We can't wait to ease your learning journey and introduce you to a network of like-minded people that can support you.

The DataCamp Scholarship is currently on hold, so your application will be put on our waiting list. Thank you for your interest.
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What is Code Kevudah?
Code Kevudah is an organization that helps frum women direct their capabilities towards a career in technology that is financially and holistically rewarding. Baruch Hashem, as an educational non-profit, we were accepted as a DataCamp Donates Partner. 
What is DataCamp?
DataCamp is a for-profit company that provides a training platform for individuals and businesses to improve their data-related skills. They have a Social Impact division that grants accounts to research and poverty alleviation orgs. They have courses on theoretical fundamentals that are game-changing to not-techy people, as well as in-depth hands-on courses that lead to hot career paths, DataCamp is a valuable resource for a variety of interests. 
🤔 Curious which DataCamp courses are most popular at Code Kevudah?
Ready to Join? Click "Next" to complete this application 
What you'll get:
🌟 invitation to our dedicated Slack workspace for networking and asking questions
🌟 free access to DataCamp.com, a top-rated learning platform for anything data science

Questions? Email hello@codekevudah.org 
Learn more about Code Kevudah on codekevudah.org
Learn more about DataCamp Donates on datacamp.com/donates
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