BayPiggies (Bay Area Python Interest Group) is looking for speakers for 2022. We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month. In the past, we were graciously hosted at LinkedIn in Sunnyvale. Due to the COVID-19 situation, our meetings are currently online-only. We assume this will be the case for the at least the first quarter, but will reevaluate the situation each month.
We are looking for technical talks of interest to Python developers, either about the language and core libraries itself, popular libraries/platforms using Python (for example, Pandas and TensorFlow in Data Science, Flask and Django in web applications, Ansible in DevOPs), or other experiences using Python. See the list of past meetings at to get a sense of topics. As our participants are using their personal time for these meetings, we request that talks are inclusive and not overly commercial, political, etc.
Talks can range in length from 5 minutes to 45 minutes (see below). Most of our online meetings last about 90 minutes and include a short talk and a longer talk, but this can vary from month to month.