BACC Commemorative Bricks
Brookville Area Chamber of Commerce Commemorative Bricks are a permanent option to preserve the memory of someone special, share an anniversary celebration, dedication or message, and makes a great gift!
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Bricks will be set in the area of Jefferson County Courthouse on Main Street at the chamber's discretion.
Please complete the information below and submit to the Brookville Chamber office. Your personalized brick will be engraved with no more than 15 characters per line and up to 3 lines. Bricks will be set in the area of the Jefferson County Courthouse on Main Street at the chamber's discretion.

Make checks payable to Brookville Area Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $40.00 per brick. One form per brick.
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Personalization *
No more than 15 characters per line, up to 3 lines.
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