The industrial logging of native forests and woodlands and the use of forest biomass as a fossil fuel substitute is disastrous for climate  and biodiversity and should end, immediately.
Please read and endorse the National Position Statement at 1:
1. Proposal to End Industrial Logging of Native Forests and their Use as Forest Bioenergy 

2. Evidence backing up Position Statement:
Why Native Forest Logging and Clearing Must End and Forests not be Burnt for Energy 
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The purpose of this form is to record endorsement of the statement: "The industrial logging of native forests and woodlands and the use of forest biomass as a fossil fuel substitute is disastrous for climate and biodiversity and should end, immediately. "
It is understood that in submitting this form you endorse the document "Proposal to end industrial logging of native forests and their use as forest bioenergy" (link above at 1.) and that you consent to your name and profession being published as a signatory to this statement. 
Australian Forests and Climate Alliance Inc.
No contact information will be published, nor provided to any other organisation, or marketing groups.
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