Intel Ops Tainan (Nov 1, 2024) - Agent Application

Classified Operation: Intel Ops Tainan 2024 機密行動:Intel Ops 台南 2024

  • Date: 1st November 2024 (Friday)
  • Time: 18:30–20:30 (approx.)
  • Area of Operation: Anping District, Tainan
An XM disturbance surges erratically in the heart of Tainan, its chaotic rhythm threatening to destabilize the Portal Network. Your expertise is urgently required.
XM在台南市400年歷史的心臟地帶劇烈波動,混亂的節奏威脅著Portal Network的穩定。我們迫切需要您的偵查能力。

We seek Agents who possess unwavering discretion, a thirst for the unknown, and mastery of tradecraft. A minimum CMU acquisition (90,000 for non-subscribers, 32,000 for C.O.R.E. Subscribers), obtained between October 2nd and 11th, 2024 (Taiwan time), is mandatory.
我們尋求堅定謹慎、渴望探索未知和精通於偵查的特工。參加者必須在2024102日至11日(台灣時間)期間購入最少90,000CMU(非訂閱者)或 32,000CMUC.O.R.E. 訂閱者)。

Note: Due to the sensitive nature of this operation, participation is limited. Only qualified Agents will be contacted with operation instructions.
注意: 由於此行動的敏感性,參與人數有限。只有完全符合資格的特工才會收到進一步的指示。

Pre-Operation 行動前作業:

  1. Secure CMU: Acquire the required CMU within the specified timeframe.
    購入 CMU: 在指定時間內購入所需的 CMU。
  2. Apply: Submit your application via this form by October 13th, 2024.
    申請: 在10月13日或之前,通過此表單提交您的申請。
  3. Stand by: Await further instructions. Only qualified Agents will be contacted.
    待命: 等待進一步指示。只有完全符合資格的特工才會收到行動詳情。
Operational Directives 行動指令:

  • Intelligence Gathering: Decipher cryptic messages embedded within the Portal Network.
    情報收集: 解讀 Portal Network 中隱藏的訊息。
  • Data Collection: Extract vital information from local sources.
    數據收集: 從當地資源中提取重要資訊。
  • Field Analysis: Pinpoint the origin of the XM disturbance.
    現場分析: 查明 XM 波動的來源。
  • Collaboration: While cross-faction cooperation may aid in stabilizing the signal, exercise caution. The unpredictable nature of XM demands vigilance and adaptability.
    合作: 跨陣營合作容或有助於穩定信號,但請謹慎行事。 XM 的不可預測性亟需警惕和適應能力。
Completion Criteria 完成標準:

  • Passcode Discovery: Each participant will uncover a unique completion passcode during the operation.
    密碼揭秘: 每位參與者將在行動過程中拼砌出自己的個人完成密碼。
  • Passcode Redemption: Upon successful completion, redeem your completion passcode through the Ingress passcode redemption facility within the designated timeframe.
    密碼兌換: 成功完成行動後,請在指定時間內通過Ingress兌換系統兌換您的個人完成密碼。
Equipment 裝備:
  • Fully charged Scanner. 滿電的偵測器
  • XM-resistant attire. XM 防護服
  • Sharp analytical mind. 敏銳的分析思維
Rewards 獎勵:
  • Earn one count towards the 'Intel Ops' in-app recognition.
    獲得一個「Intel Ops」表彰計數。
  • The profound satisfaction of safeguarding the Portal Network.
    為維護 Portal Network 的穩定做出貢獻的深刻滿足感。
  • Note: No ticket purchase or physical rewards are associated with this operation.
Anping’s XM secrets await those intrepid enough to uncover them. Will you answer the call of the unknown?
安平的 XM 秘密等待著勇敢的探險者去揭開。您願意回應未知的召喚嗎?

#Ingress #IntelOps #ErasedMemoriesTainan
Email *
Agent Codename 特工代號: *
Ingress-Affiliated Email Address 用於登入Ingress的電郵地址:
Telegram ID
Language Preference 偏好語言 *
I have been a C.O.R.E. subscriber in the duration of October 2nd to 11th, 2024.
我在 2024 年 10 月 2 日至 11 日期間是 C.O.R.E. 訂閱者。
I declare that I have purchased in-app the required amount of CMU between October 2nd and 11th, 2024.
我聲明我已在 2024 年 10 月 2 日至 11 日期間購入了所需數量的 CMU。
I understand that failure to complete the operation as instructed within the designated timeframe may result in forfeiture of the described rewards.
Remarks 其他備註
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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