Mathematics on Ice

Welcome to the Mathematics on Ice Forum.  We meet once a month to discuss mathematical aspects of ice dynamics and bring together the community in an informal online atmosphere.

To sign up to the distribution list and receive Zoom coordinates, please fill in this form: 

See below for the upcoming schedule.  The forum is usually 4:00pm to 5:30pm UK Time, though some sessions are at a different time to accommodate people in far-off timezones.  In each meeting there are two presentations and time for discussions and ice-breaking in small sub-groups.  The typical format is:

4:00 - 4:25 First talk + questions
4:25 - 4:35 Breakout discussion / ice-breaking
4.35 - 5:00 Second talk + questions
5:00 - 5:10 Breakout discussions / ice-breaking
5:10 - 5:30 Summary questions / discussion

If you can't make it for all the time, feel free to attend while you can.

The format is intended to stem from your contributions – give a talk, join the discussions, invite further participants or send us your ideas for future meetings!  Everyone is very welcome and encouraged to contribute.  We would like to encourage in particular PhD students to present their research. 

For updates, also follow us on twitter @IceMaths and tweet about #mathsonice and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or suggestions:,,,



24 October 2022 (4pm BST)
Theme: fracture and calving
Hanwen Zhang (Oxford) 
"Supraglacial Lake Drainage Initiated by Tidally Induced Hydro-fracture on Amery Ice Shelf"
Jakub Stocek (British Antarctic Survey)
"Phase field viscoelastic fracture models for ice sheet dynamics"

7 November 2022 (4pm GMT)
Theme: basal processes
Katarzyna Kowal (Glasgow)
Gonzalo Gonzalez de Diego (Oxford)

5 December (9pm GMT)
Theme: ice/ocean interactions
Madi Rosevear (U. Melbourne)
Alex Bradley (British Antarctic Survey)

9 January 2023 (9pm GMT)
Theme: numerical ice sheet modeling
Noemi Petra (UC Merced)
Mauro Perego (Sandia)

6 February 2023 
Theme: TBD

6 March 2023 
Theme: TBD

3 April 2023 
Theme: TBD

We are currently planning to continue sessions in the spring 2023, please sign up on the new form ( to contribute.


Maths on Ice Code of Practice

All Maths on Ice participants are expected to aspire and adhere to the following standards of behaviour:

  1. Treat everyone with respect.
  2. Respect your fellow participants by using good practices for intercultural collaborations.
  3. Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants.
  4. Provide your true professional identity, affiliation, and, where appropriate, contact information, at registration, and during attendance and participatory sessions, as required.
  5. Do not take screenshots, download the sessions chat, record the sessions, or share them on social media unless you obtained the permissions by the speakers.
  6. Be Accountable: When we as organizers or participants fail to meet these guidelines, we should work together to identify problems and adjust policy and practice together. Anyone not meeting expected, collaborative, respectful behaviour can be immediately removed from the online meeting and may be banned from future seminars, depending on the specifics of the unwelcomed disruptive behaviour.

Examples of unacceptable behaviour

  • Promoting or participating in harassment, bullying, discrimination, or intimidation during the meeting and/or on social media.
  • Verbal, written, or other forms of abuse of any attendee. Examples of abuse include, but are not limited to, verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin, or use of inappropriate images.
  • Disruption or disallowing of participation by others.
  • Criminal offenses.
  • Verbal abuse.
  • Use of social or mainstream media to target individual actions of participants in a way that could harm their privacy or professional status or open them to slander or libel.
  • Knowingly violating copyright or copying presenter information without obtaining permission.

Past events:

11 April 2022 (10pm BST)
Theme: Ice rheology
Sheng Fan (Otago / Cambridge)
Daniel Richard (Leeds)

7 March 2022 (4pm GMT)
Theme: Calving and icebergs
Iain Wheel (St Andrews)
Alexander Huth (Princeton)

7 February 2022 (4pm GMT)
Theme: Ice-ocean interactions
Claudia Cenedese (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Louis Couston (Lyon)

10 January 2022 (4pm GMT)
Theme: Till dynamics
Anders Damsgaard
Luke Zoet

6 December 2021 (4pm GMT)
Theme: Tipping points
Sebastian Rosier
Ricarda Winkelmann

18th October 2021 (4pm BST)
Theme: Inferring ice rheology from experiments and observations
Joanna Millstein (MIT)
Maria Zeitz (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)

12th July 2021 (4pm BST)
Theme: surface processes
Sammie Buzzard (Cardiff)
''Lakes, rivers… and waterfalls? Modelling Antarctic Surface Hydrology"
Colin Meyer (Dartmouth)
“Firn compaction in French-press experiments and theory"

7th June 2021 (4pm BST)
Theme: inversions
Gabriela Racz (UBC)
"Using inverse modelling to study subglacial drainage system"
Dough Brinkerhoff (Montana)
 "Bayesian inference for coupled models of ice flow and hydrology"

10th May 2021 (4pm BST)
Theme: Ice-Ocean Interaction
Leo Middleton (Cambridge)
"Observations and simulations of double-diffusion in the ice shelf-ocean boundary layer"
Marianne Haseloff (Northumbria)
"Buttressed marine ice sheets: the roles of calving and subshelf melting on steady state grounding line positions and their stability"

12th April2021 (4pm BST)
Theme: Calving
Donald Slater (Edinburgh)
"Differentiating calving styles using 1D and 2D elastic models"
Ching-Yao Lai (Princeton)
"Ice-shelf hydrofracture and flexural control of basal crevasse opening"

15th March 2021  (4pm GMT)
Meghana Ranganathan (MIT)
"An energetics approach to understanding ice deformation"
Elisa Mantelli (Princeton)
“Ice streams: thermal and hydraulic pattern formation in ice sheets”

15th February 2021 (4pm GMT)
Alex Robel (GeorgiaTech)
"Grounding lines transition to instability at sharp peaks through a crossing-sliding bifurcation"
Kasia Warburton (Cambridge)
"Tides below glaciers: subglacial hydrology of the grounding line"

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