Toledo-Lucas County Sustainability Commission (TLCSC) Application
We’ll be in touch once we’ve reviewed your application. Any questions can be directed to Ben Pushka at or 419-213-4817.
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Name *
Organization *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Why do you want to join TLCSC?
Please answer briefly in 2-3 sentences.
How will you/your organization contribute to TLCSC (skills, experiences, marketing, venues, networks, etc.)?
Please answer briefly in 2-3 sentences.
If you will be representing an organization as a member, how does your organization embody sustainability (practices and projects)?
Please answer briefly in 2-3 sentences.
Can you commit to attending meetings regularly?  If not, please explain why. The full commission meets on the last Wednesday of every other month (Jan.-Dec.) from 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Please answer briefly in 2-3 sentences.
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