Eastside Basketball Registration (2024-2025 Season)
By filling out this form, I hereby give permission for my child to participate in the EASTSIDE BASKETBALL program.

I understand and agree that I am responsible for insurance coverage and neither the Eastside Basketball Program, Supervisors nor the associated facility may be held liable for any injury to my child while participating in the program.

I understand EBA is a volunteer run organization and that I will be required to volunteer during the season.

You must attend all tryout dates for your grade.  Grades and times will be announced in the Perinton Post and on our website in late August/early September.

See https://www.esfairportbasketball.com/tryout-information for information about player eligibility.

For additional info, please contact us using the Contact link at the top of the page.
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Email *
Players Name *
September 2024 Grade *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Boy / Girl *
Do You Attend School in Fairport District? *
If Yes, What School in Fairport
If No, What School Does Player Attend
Do You Live in The Town of Fairport? *
Are You A Returning Player From Last Season? *
If Yes, Who Was Your Coach?
Mothers Name *
Mothers Phone Number *
Mothers E-mail Address *
Fathers Name *
Fathers Phone Number *
Fathers E-mail Address *
Address *
Doctor *
Doctors Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact  Phone Number *
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