Extended Absence Notification Form
Please submit this completed form at least 5 school days PRIOR to the absence.

Completion of this form does not automatically ensure the absence will be excuse; it is simply a way of notifying the school prior to the absence and ensures that the students receive any work that needs to be completed while they are not attending school in person. Any assignments to be done should be obtained in advance of absence. Missed work may be made up upon return to school. Teachers and Director's signature indicates knowledge of absence, however does not indicate excused.

The law requires compulsory school attendance to age 18. The attendance record of any student who accrues 5 unexcused absences in a calendar month or 10 unexcused absences in 90 calendar days may be obtained by law enforcement or the State Attorney for review and possible intervention. If you have any questions about the attendance policy please see the Family Handbook at https://pagosapeakopenschool.org/family-handbook/ 
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Today's Date *
Student's Name *
Guardian's Name and Phone Number: *
Dates student will be absent: *
Reason for extended absence: *
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