PTO Membership Form - Parents

Our goal is to help support the Desert Sage teachers and staff through parent involvement, volunteerism, fundraising, and community events. By supporting our teachers and staff we can create a better school for all of our Desert Sage students.

Memberships are $20 and are due each school year. 

Some perks of joining the PTO include: getting to know staff and other Desert Sage families, eligibility to vote on how funds are spent and other issues, monthly updates on volunteer opportunities PLUS helping make your students' school  even more amazing! 

Anyone is welcome to attend the monthly PTO meetings. However, only PTO members can vote. The meetings will be held on the first Thursday of every month on Zoom at 5pm. Meeting links will be sent out via email or can be found at Please fill out the from below.

If paying your membership fee via cash or check, please make checks payable to Desert Sage PTO and put in an envelope with your first and last name and label PTO. This can be given to your students teacher or dropped off at the front office. 

Thank you for choosing to support our school and PTO!!!

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First & Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Student(s) *
Teacher(s) *
Payment Method *
Pay with Venmo 
Click the Venmo link to pay.
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