ワークショップ|Performing Arts Project『LOCUS』
こちらはPerforming Arts Project『LOCUS』水性で開催予定、ワークショップの申込フォームです。

[カラダ × 街 / 音 / モノ]
*ファシリテーター:María de los Ángeles Pais、松本真結子、宮脇有紀

Performing Arts ProjectLOCUS』特設ページ

 セット券 / Set tickets|Performing Arts Project『LOCUS』
▶︎ 植野晴菜ソロダンス『And I 』@水性



Thank you for your booking.
This is the application to join Workshops at Suisei of the Performing Arts Project "LOCUS".

[Body × City / Sound / Object]
With main concept of 'LOCUS,' we will explore the creative power within the body, while shifting the focus to 'City,' 'Sound,' and 'Object.' You might encounter moments that make your heart dance! This is an experimental space to discover new insights.
*Facilitators: María de los Ángeles Pais, Mayuko Matsumoto, Yuki Miyawaki

For more details, please refer to the page below:
▶︎ Performing Arts Project "LOCUS" WEB Page

If you would like to purchase individual tickets for each location, please do so from the following links:
▶︎ Set tickets|Performing Arts Project『LOCUS』
▶︎ Haruna Ueno Solo Dance "And I" @ Suisei
▶︎ Yuki Miyawaki & María de los Ángeles Pais "LOCUS" Performance @ Terpsichore

*The personal information you provide will only be used for the purposes mentioned above and will not be shared with third parties.
*If there are any changes to your reservation, please contact us directly at the following email address:

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Email *
お名前|Name *
参加希望の日時を選択してください *
Exhibition at 水性で参加するワークショップの日時を選択してください。

Please fill check the date and time for the workshop you will join at the Exhibition at Suisei.
*Participation fee: Free"
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