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Soul Song Session - Sign up
Thank you so much for booking channeled Soul Song experience!
After you fill out this order request, we will contact you with more information.
If you have any questions, contact us at (424) 413-7875 or
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
What session would you like?
15 minutes (Soul Song) $49
30 minutes (Soul Song + Chakra Balancing) $98
45 minutes (Soul Song + Chakra Balancing + Body Activation) $155
Who is this session for?
For myself
A gift
Gifted Sessions
If you gift this session, please provide the name and email of the recipient:
Your answer
Do you prefer your session virtual or in person?
Virtual via Zoom (Online)
@ 1:1 in Santa Monica, CA (Mystic Journey Bookstore)
@ 1:1 in Bel Air, CA
@ 1:1 in Huntington Beach, CA
Your name
Your answer
Your Phone number
Your answer
Your City
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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