Zak Health DOCTORS
Nigeria Telemedicine App - Interest Form
In Jan 2024, Zak Health Ltd is launching AI/Telemedicine app in Lagos and Abuja on a major Nigerian based TelCo platform.  

If you are based in Nigeria and interested in taking some shifts for additional revenue - please sign up here.  We need GPs and Specialists.

If you are a Diaspora Doctor looking to sow back into Nigeria either on a volunteer basis or at a reduced rate - we need you too. Patients will have an option to book an Initial Telemedicine appointment for local and International doctors.  Interested?  Pls fill out the form below and we will be in touch very soon...............
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Email *
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Country you currently practise in *
Countries you are licensed to practise in *
If other - please specify which countries
Are you a GP? *
What area of Medicine to you Specialise in? *
If other, which area(s) of medicine do you specialise in?
Can you recommend other colleagues? *
Please provide their details here
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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