Binary Quiz
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A binary digit is called a "bit". What are the only two numbers used to show a bit? *
These numbers show whether the bit is on or off.
What is the base number used in a decimal number system? *
What is the base number used in a binary number system? *
Is there more than one way to to get any number in binary code? *
Basically is there only one way to show a number in binary code?
What is the highest number you can count to using binary with one hand? *
What is the highest number you can count to using binary with two hands? *
How many bits make up one byte? *
Convert this binary number to a decimal number. 01100110 *
Convert this decimal number to binary. 71 *
One complete byte is made up of 4 or 8 bits. *
True or False
Explain the purpose of the ASCII: *
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