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Harry Potter Canon Survey 2023
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Basic Information
What is your age?
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Magical Power
Is there such a thing as “magical power” as a real attribute that wizards possess in different values (aka variable magical power), or is magic something you either have or not, with the difference between wizards entirely down to knowledge, skill, technique etc. (aka binary magical power)?
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If magical power is variable, is it a difference of quantity of magic or quality of magic? Skip this question if you answered “binary magical power”.
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If magical power is variable, is it (i) a basic attribute which does not reduce to other characteristics, or (ii) the complex product of other attributes such as personality, knowledge, experience, intelligence, world view, etc? Skip this question if you answered “binary magical power”.
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Do squibs have any magic?
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Wizarding Biology and Health
What is the average life expectancy of a wizard?
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Do wizards live longer than Muggles because of an innate quality which slows the aging process, or is it simply the product of superior healthcare?
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Are wizards more resilient than Muggles? That is, if a wizard and a Muggle underwent the same trauma, would the wizard receive less severe injuries than the Muggle?
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Are wizards more injury-tolerant than Muggles? That is, if a wizard and a Muggle receive the same injury of equal severity, is a wizard more likely to survive that injury?
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Are wizards susceptible to catching Muggle diseases?
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If wizards can catch Muggle ailments, how serious are they (skip this question if you do not think wizards can catch Muggle ailments)?
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Do wizards have faster reflexes/reaction speed than Muggles?
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Do wizards have resistance to non-magical poisons?
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Do wizards have any sort of “magical immune system” which seeks to fight off or reverse magical effects?
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What are magical diseases?
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Can Muggles catch magical diseases (generally speaking)?
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If Muggles can catch magical diseases, how vulnerable are Muggles to them? (Skip this question if you answered Muggles cannot catch magical diseases)
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The Nature of Magic
Does magic override nature like “cheat codes”, breaking physical law (“supernatural magic”) or does it work with nature as an unknown part of physical law (“natural magic”)? For example, does a broom fly because magic can selectively ignore gravity (supernatural magic), or does it fly because magic produces physical thrust (natural magic)?
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Do spells operate through any kind of physical mechanism, or is it operation purely magical? For example, does the Killing Curse cause death by triggering some biological cause of death, or does it bring about death through purely magical means? Similarly, does the Cruciatus Curse act upon nerve endings, or does it magically induce pain regardless of biology?
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Is magic limited to being cast on “things” or can you also cast magic on ideas and abstract concepts?
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Is a physical force able to overcome a piece of magic whose effect is to counteract that force? For example, can a hot enough fire (non-magical in nature) overcome the Flame-Freezing Charm, or does the charm grant immunity to fire regardless of heat?
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Are there some magical artefacts which cannot be recreated, even by their creators? Or is the only limit on the creation of these objects the knowledge of how they are made? (e.g. Could Flamel make a second Philosophers Stone? Could the Marauders recreate the Marauders’ Map?)
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If there is limited recreation, what is the difference between the unique objects and everyday enchanted items like brooms? Skip this question if you answered “Unlimited recreation”.
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Is there a difference between being able to successfully cast a spell, and fully mastering that spell?
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Does a wizard need to understand how a spell works (whether by learning magical theory, or intuition, or other route to understanding) to successfully cast it?
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Does a wizard need to understand how a spell works (whether by learning magical theory, or intuition, or other route to understanding) to master it (assuming mastery is different to the basic casting)?
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Can a wizard vary the effect of a given spell, so that it has a different effect to its “default” behaviour?
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If spells are variable, does a wizard need to understand how the spell and the variation works to achieve that variation? Skip this question if you answered "Fixed Spells".
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What is the most basic part of a spell?
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Can a given spell have multiple different incantations (e.g. in different languages)?
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Is non-verbal magic weaker than verbal magic?
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Is it possible to dispense with the wand motions of a spell, in a similar way it is possible to dispense with the incantation?
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Is it possible to wandlessly cast spells which are usually cast with a wand?
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Generally speaking, does wizarding capability with magic advance over time, such that modern wizards are more capable than the wizards of the past?
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Magical Exhaustion
If a wizard casts familiar, well-practiced magic continuously for an extended period of time, will they eventually run out of magic such that they cannot continue?
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If a wizard casts familiar, well-practiced magic continuously for an extended period of time, will their magic eventually come under some form of non-quantifiable strain or weakness that makes continued use of magic progressively more difficult?
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If a wizard casts familiar, well-practiced magic continuously for an extended period of time, will they eventually come under some form of mental strain which makes continued use of magic progressively more difficult (above and beyond the tiredness accumulated by staying awake and active)? If yes, is it a similar level of mental strain as is involved in focus on non-magical activities such as playing the piano (“Common Strain”)? Or is it more severe than focus on non-magical activities (“Severe Strain”)?
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How long can a typical wizard cast familiar, well-practiced magic continuously? 
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How long can a typical wizard cast familiar, well-practiced magic continuously, if that magic consists of powerful spells (e.g. Patronus Charm)? 
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How long can a typical wizard continually cast unfamiliar, unpractised magic that they are still learning?
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Does transfiguration induce a true physical change, or is it a kind of tactile illusion?
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If transfiguration is a physical change, can transfiguration also change a thing’s magical nature, or only its physical nature? Skip this question if you chose “Tactile Illusion”.
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Will a transfiguration wear off over time, or is it permanent unless actively Untransfigured?
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Is the duration of an incorrectly performed transfiguration different to a correctly performed one?
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Do conjured objects last, or do they fade/disappear?
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Do Hogwarts students learn chemistry, biology, or any other scientific knowledge as part of learning about, and performing, Transfiguration?
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Would knowledge of chemistry, biology, or any other scientific knowledge benefit a person trying to understand and/or perform Transfiguration?
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We are told by Hermione that transfiguration magic cannot create good food, an exception to Gamp’s law. What is your understanding of this? Is it (i) transfiguration cannot create any food items (“Complete Prohibition”), (ii) transfiguration can create food items, but they will not provide nutrition (“Defective Food”), (iii) transfiguration can create nutritious ingredients, but cannot bypass the cooking process, such that you still need to know how to cook to produce a good meal (“No Shortcuts”), or (iv) something else?
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Does the inability to make "good food" include drinkable liquids such as water and wine?
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Can a competent Transfigurationist like Professor McGonagall transfigure multiple things at once?
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What is the largest item a competent Transfigurationist like Professor McGonagall could transfigure?
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To what discipline of magic does animation belong?
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To what discipline of magic does conjuration belong?
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How is transfiguration performed? Is there a separate spell for every possible transformation (“Separate Spells”)? Is there a single spell for each type of transformation (“Category Spells”)? Is transfiguration cast without spells, using a more general method (“Technique”)? Or are all of the above true, with students starting with separate spells and mastering progressively more general methods (“Progressive Generality”)?
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Can a Charm be permanent?
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What factors contribute to the duration of a Charm?
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What is the nature of a counter-charm? Does it work by removing the magic on an object? Or does it apply an equal and opposite magical effect to counteract it? E.g. if something is magically engorged, do you remove the Engorgement Charm, or cast a Reduction Charm? 
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What determines the success of a counter-charm? Is it enough to cast the correct counter for the charm in question (“Knowledge”)? Or does the counter-charm also have to be cast more powerfully than the original charm (“Knowledge and Power”)? 
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Is each Charm a distinct spell, unique and unrelated to other Charms (“Separate Charms”), or do certain Charms share features such that they can be grouped together by their commonalities (“Charm Families”)?
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Is it possible to use Charms to bypass the limitations of the exceptions to Gamp’s Law?
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Is the water conjured by Aguamenti capable of properly quenching thirst in a way that will not backfire?
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Where does the water conjured by Aguamenti come from?
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Why is the Bird-Conjuring Spell (Avis) studied in Charms? Is it a:
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Is there more than one shield charm, or is the Shield Charm (i.e. “Protego” and its variants) the only spell of that nature, capable of being cast with a range of strengths and effects (e.g. Protego Totalum, Horriblis)?
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Can the Shield Charm (i.e. “Protego” and its variants) block physical objects?
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Can the Shield Charm (i.e. “Protego” and its variants) block powerful spells?
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Does the Shield Charm (i.e. “Protego” and its variants) selectively block harmful things while allowing non-harmful things though, or does it mechanistically block only what it is told to block by the caster?
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Will the Shield Charm (i.e. “Protego” and its variants) block dangers that the caster does not know are dangerous?
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What is the default shape of the Shield Charm (i.e. a standard “Protego”)?
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Can the caster change the shape of the Shield Charm (i.e. a standard “Protego”)?
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Can a wizard cast the Shield Charm (i.e. a standard “Protego”) and then cast other spells from behind it?
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How long does a Shield Charm (i.e. a standard “Protego”) last?
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Is potion-making a form of “magical cooking” where the magic comes from the ingredients and method, or is it more like a ritual where the wizard performs magically significant actions with magically significant objects to produce a magical effect?
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When creating a potion, does the potion-maker need to understand the nature of what they are doing to brew a perfect potion, or is it possible to create a perfect potion by blindly but precisely following directions?
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Can Muggles brew potions?
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Is it possible to substitute one ingredient for another ingredient of a similar nature and still end up with a potion of similar effect? Or does a given potion require specific ingredients?
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How prevalent are ingredients from magical plants and creatures in potions-making?
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Dark Arts
Does “Dark magic” have a single, fixed meaning, or is it a term that can have different meanings in different context?
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Is this part of the meaning of “Dark magic”: magic which possesses a distinct, magically real “dark” quality?
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Is this part of the meaning of “Dark magic”: magic which is inherently evil or malicious?
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Is this part of the meaning of “Dark magic”: magic which can only be used for violence?
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Is this part of the meaning of “Dark magic”: magic which can corrupt the user’s mind?
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Is this part of the meaning of “Dark magic”: magic prohibited by the Ministry?
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Is this part of the meaning of “Dark magic”: magic viewed by society as bad or dangerous?
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Dark magic is observed to be difficult to reverse. Is this simply because the counter-spell is unknown (and if known, reversal would be simple) or is it because Dark magic has an inherent quality which resists reversal?
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Bellatrix told Harry “you have to mean them” with respect to the Unforgiveable Curses. Does this mean that you have to feel hate for the target to use the Killing Curse?
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Is the Killing Curse the only unblockable curse, or are the other Unforgiveables also unblockable?
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The Magic of the Mind
Can Occlumency protect from Veritaserum?
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Can Occlumency protect from the Imperius Curse?
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Does Occlumency make the user calm and unemotional?
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Does Occlumency enhance memory recall?
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Can Muggles learn Occlumency?
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Can Muggles resist the Imperius Curse?
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Creatures' Magic
If a non-human magical creature such as a goblin obtained a wand, would they be able to perform witchcraft and wizardry (i.e. the spells we know)? Or would the wand act as a tool to enhance their own native powers?
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Do some intelligent magical species (e.g. wizards, centaurs, goblins) have innately stronger magic than others?
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If yes, are wizards the strongest of the intelligent magical species? Skip this question if you answered “No”.
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Do centaurs wield magical bows, or are their bows just ordinary bows?
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Can house elves perform transfiguration (without a wand)?
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Is it possible for wizards to enchant a place to prevent house elf apparition?
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Do Veela project a passive aura which affects those in their vicinity, or is their magic delivered via voice and movements?
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Regardless of how it is delivered, what is the nature of the Veela enchantment?
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Are Veela physically beautiful, or are they only perceived as beautiful because of their enchantment?
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Where do Veela come from?
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British Wizarding Demographics
How many wizards are there in Britain?
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How many Muggleborns are there within the British wizarding population?
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On the assumption that “pure-blood” means a wizard with all magical grandparents, what percentage of the British wizarding population are pure-blood?
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What percentage of British wizards live completely isolated from the Muggle world, almost entirely ignorant of it?
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What percentage of British wizards live embedded within the Muggle world, with Muggle neighbours and friends, and are able to pass seamlessly as Muggles?
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How many magical schools are there in Britain (age 11-18)?
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Is attendance at Hogwarts free?
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What percentage of British wizards attend Hogwarts?
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What is the ratio of Muggleborns to other students at Hogwarts? Does it reflect the general prevalence of Muggleborns in the population (“general ratio”)? Are Muggleborns more prevalent at Hogwarts than elsewhere (“overrepresentation”)? Are Muggleborns less prevalent at Hogwarts than elsewhere (“underrepresentation”)?
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Does Hogwarts have multiple teachers per subject?
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Does Hogwarts have multiple dorms per gender, per house, per year? E.g. was there another group of Gryffindor boys in Harry’s year, other than the dorm Harry was in?
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Other Species' Demographics
How many goblins are there in Britain, compared to wizards? 
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How many centaurs are there in Britain, compared to wizards? 
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How many merpeople are there in Britain, compared to wizards? 
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How many werewolves are there in Britain, compared to wizards? 
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How many vampires are there in Britain, compared to wizards? 
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How many house elves are there in Britain, compared to wizards? 
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Cumulatively, how many members are there in Britain of non-human intelligent magical species, compared to wizards?
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British Magical Government
How is the British Minister for Magic selected?
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Can the Wizengamot remove the Minister for Magic from office?
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Can the International Confederation of Wizards remove the Minister for Magic from office?
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Can the Ministry Heads of Department remove the Minister for Magic from office?
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What is the Wizengamot’s role?
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How is the Wizengamot constituted?
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Does the Muggle government have any authority over the magical government?
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Does the magical government exert covert influence and control over the Muggle one?
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Has the magical government infiltrated the Muggle government to monitor and enforce the Statute of Secrecy?
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British Wizarding Social issues
In normal times (e.g. 1981 – 1994), do Muggleborns in magical Britain face open and legal discrimination against them on the basis of blood?
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In normal times (e.g. 1981 – 1994), what level of discrimination (whether direct or indirect, open or subtle) do Muggleborns face in magical Britain compared to the discrimination faced by ethnic minorities in Muggle Britain in the same period?
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Does British wizarding society have greater gender equality compared to Muggle society?
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Does British wizarding society exhibit discrimination based on skin colour?
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If given the choice, how many house elves would choose freedom?
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Assuming most Elves would not choose freedom, what is the cause of that choice? Skip this question if you selected “Majority”.
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Generally speaking, do goblins exhibit behaviours which humans would consider greedy, bloodthirsty or cruel?
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If goblins do exhibit such behaviours, what is the cause of that behaviour? Skip this question if you selected “No”.
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In normal times (e.g. 1981 – 1994), do goblins pose a threat to wizards?
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If goblins obtained wands, would they pose a threat to wizards?
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The International Confederation of Wizards
Is the International Confederation of Wizards an entity which sits above the national magical governments and has authority over them (“Supranational ICW”), or is it a venue for international diplomacy and cooperation between sovereign magical governments, acting only with as much authority as those governments grant it (“intergovernmental ICW”)?
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What is the “Supreme Mugwump”?
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Does the ICW have its own law-enforcement personnel, or does it rely on the national Ministries to carry out its edicts?
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What is Britain’s position within the ICW?
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When the ICW passed the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, was this a significant break from prior frequent interaction between wizards and Muggles, or was it a legal recognition of a separation which had already existed for centuries?
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International Wizarding Politics
Do wizarding borders match Muggle borders? Or are there different states in the magical world compared to the Muggle one?
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If borders are different, when did this happen? Skip this question if you answered “Matching borders”.
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How many wizards are there in Britain compared to the rest of the world? Is it similar to the ratio of British Muggles to the rest of the world (“Similar Ratio”)? Or does wizarding Britain have an unusually high number of wizards (“High Ratio”)? Or does wizarding Britain have an unusually low number of wizards (“Low Ratio”)?
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Does the global magical population change over time?
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Internationally, is it normal for wizarding children to receive formal schooling in magic, or is this something that only occurs in a small number of countries?
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If it is unusual to go to magic school, how are wizards generally educated in magic? Skip this question if you think magic school is normal.
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What is Hogwarts’ position relative to other magical schools in the world?
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Outside of Britain, how are Muggleborns generally treated?
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Outside of Britain, how are non-human magical species generally treated?
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What is the relationship between wizards and Muggles in most other nations?
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Wizarding Economy
At what age do wizards typically retire?
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How much do wizards need to work? That is, at any given time, what percentage of working-age wizards are part of the labour force (i.e. either in work, or between jobs)? For reference, an advanced economy in the Muggle world will have a labour force participation rate of around 70-80%.
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What percentage of the British wizarding workforce is employed by the Ministry for Magic? For reference, the figure for public employment in Muggle Britain (which includes the National Health Service) is 16.5%.
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Wizarding Household Expenses
Does the typical wizard pay to acquire real estate, or can wizards (legally) appropriate Muggle real estate for free?
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Does the typical wizard use magic to build themselves a home, or must they pay for it (either pre-built or by paying specialists)?
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Does the typical wizard grow enough food to feed themselves, or must they pay for it?
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If wizards generally buy food, do they generally obtain this from Muggle or magical farms? Skip this question if you think wizards generally feed themselves without the need for food purchases.
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Does the typical wizard pay for basic, non-luxury clothes, or do they use magic to obtain it for free?
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Does the typical wizard pay for basic, non-luxury furniture, fixtures and fittings, or do they use magic to obtain it for free?
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Does the typical wizard pay for basic, non-luxury heating (e.g. coal, wood, or some form of central heating) or do they use magic to obtain it for free?
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Does the typical wizard pay for basic, non-luxury lighting (e.g. candles, lamp oil, fire wood), or do they use magic to obtain it for free?
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Does the typical wizard pay for basic, non-luxury cooking (e.g. gas), or do they use magic to obtain it for free?
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Does the typical wizard pay for basic, non-luxury toiletries (e.g. soap) or do they use magic to obtain it for free?
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Does the typical wizard pay for basic, non-luxury cleaning supplies or do they use magic to obtain it for free?
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Does the typical wizard pay for basic, non-luxury laundry supplies/services or do they use magic to obtain it for free?
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Does the typical wizard pay for basic, non-luxury stationery or do they use magic to obtain it for free?
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Does the typical wizard pay for everyday transportation or do they use magic?
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Wizarding Wealth
How many galleons does the richest wizard in Britain have?
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In purchasing power terms, how rich are the British wizarding elite (top 1%) compared to the British Muggle elite? 
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In purchasing power terms, how poor are the British wizarding poor (bottom 20%) compared to the British Muggle poor?
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In quality of life terms, how well-off are the British wizarding elite (top 1%) compared to the British Muggle elite? 
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In quality of life terms, how well-off are the British wizarding poor (bottom 20%) compared to the British Muggle poor?
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In terms of wealth distribution within wizarding Britain, how much wealth inequality is there compared to Muggle Britain?
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Ethical and Political Opinions
Wizards have an obligation to improve the living conditions of house-elves.
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Wizards have an obligation to immediately free all house-elves (even if the house-elves don’t want it).
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Wizards are correct to withhold wand ownership from goblins.
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Overall, wizards are better off with the Statute of Secrecy in place.
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Overall, Muggles are better off with the Statute of Secrecy in place.
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It is wrong to Obliviate Muggles to protect the Statute of Secrecy.
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Wizards have an obligation to use magic to solve Muggle problems such as disease and hunger (whether openly or in secret).
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If placing Dementors in Azkaban substantially reduces the number of escapes compared to more humane imprisonment, this would justify the use of Dementors
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It is acceptable for magical parents to allow their children to engage in physically dangerous pastimes like Quidditch
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Should love potions be illegal?
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By the end of Deathly Hallows, had Harry mastered Occlumency?
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When Harry returned from death at the end of Deathly Hallows, the Dementors had no effect on him. Why?
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If he had worked harder, Harry had the potential to use magic on the same level as Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Voldemort.
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If he had worked harder, Harry could have been better at magic than Hermione.
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The Gringotts vault we see Harry use is just a trust fund and there is another, larger vault.
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In Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry was right to prevent Sirius and Remus from killing Peter.
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Is Harry bisexual?
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Did making horcruxes negatively affect Voldemort’s mind?
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Any personality differences between Tom Riddle and Voldemort are explained by:
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In the First War, did Voldemort and Dumbledore ever fight, or did Voldemort avoid Dumbledore and only fight him for the first time in OotP?
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How many marked Death Eaters were there by the start of Deathly Hallows?
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Did Voldemort feel sexual desire?
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When Dumbledore placed Harry with the Dursleys, did he believe that it was the only form of protection where Harry would survive?
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On balance, did Dumbledore's decisions make Harry better or worse off?
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On balance, did Dumbledore's decisions make the wizarding world better or worse off?
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Globally speaking, how rare are wizards like Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Voldemort (“DGV”) at the time of the HP books?
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At the time of joining the Death Eaters, Snape genuinely held anti-Muggleborn views.
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As of Philosopher’s Stone, Snape genuinely held anti-Muggleborn views.
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By Deathly Hallows, Snape’s motivation for fighting Voldemort:
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On balance, Snape was a good man.
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Ron not believing Harry about the tournament in Goblet of Fire was unforgiveable.
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Ron leaving Harry and Hermione in Deathly Hallows was unforgiveable.
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On balance, Ron was a good friend to Harry.
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In Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione was right to tell McGonagall about the Firebolt without discussing her suspicions with Harry first.
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In Half-Blood Prince, Hermione was right that Harry should not have used the Half-Blood Prince's Potions book.
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On balance, Hermione was a good friend to Harry.
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In Half-Blood Prince, Ron and Hermione should have believed Harry about Draco Malfoy being a Death Eater
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By the end of the series, Draco Malfoy was redeemable.
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It was an injustice that Draco Malfoy did not face imprisonment after the war.
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In Deathly Hallows, Remus was right to tell Harry to use lethal spells against Death Eaters.
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In a fair fight, how many average wizards could a typical auror fight simultaneously and win?
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In a fair fight, how many average wizards could a wizard like Dumbledore, Grindelwald, or Voldemort fight simultaneously and win?
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In a fair fight, how many Aurors could a wizard like Dumbledore, Grindelwald, or Voldemort fight simultaneously and win?
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Who is stronger in a fight, an average Death Eater or an average Auror?
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As of the end of Deathly Hallows, in a fair fight, who would win between Harry and Hermione (best of 3, no Elder Wand, no allies or creatures, no enchanted items or clothing, no ambushes or traps)?
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As of the end of Deathly Hallows, in a fair fight, who would win between Harry and Ron (best of 3, no Elder Wand, no allies or creatures, no enchanted items or clothing, no ambushes or traps)?
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As of the end of Deathly Hallows, in a fair fight, who would win between Ron and Hermione (best of 3, no Elder Wand, no allies or creatures, no enchanted items or clothing, no ambushes or traps)?
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As of the end of Deathly Hallows, in a fair fight, who would win between Harry and Draco Malfoy (best of 3, no Elder Wand, no allies or creatures, no enchanted items or clothing, no ambushes or traps)?
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As of the end of Deathly Hallows, in a fair fight, who would win between Hermione and Draco Malfoy (best of 3, no Elder Wand, no allies or creatures, no enchanted items or clothing, no ambushes or traps)?
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As of the end of Deathly Hallows, in a fair fight, who would win between Ron and Draco Malfoy (best of 3, no Elder Wand, no allies or creatures, no enchanted items or clothing, no ambushes or traps)?
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As of the end of Deathly Hallows, in a fair fight, who would win between Harry and Bellatrix Lestrange (best of 3, no Elder Wand, no allies or creatures, no enchanted items or clothing, no ambushes or traps)?
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In a fair fight, who would win between Harry (end of Deathly Hallows) and Severus Snape (end of Half-Blood Prince)? Best of 3, no Elder Wand, no allies or creatures, no enchanted items or clothing, no ambushes or traps.
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As of the end of Deathly Hallows, in a fair fight, who would win between Harry and an average Death Eater (best of 3, no Elder Wand, no allies or creatures, no enchanted items or clothing, no ambushes or traps)?
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Had the duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore in OotP continued until death, who is most likely to have won?
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How did Molly defeat Bellatrix in Deathly Hallows?
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Muggles vs Wizards
What would wizards likely want from a war with Muggles?
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What would Muggles likely want from a war with wizards?
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If there were to be a war between Muggles and wizards, which party is more likely to be the aggressor?
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Have wizards already effectively conquered Muggles by infiltrating their governments and covertly controlling their leaders?
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If a Muggle leader wanted to go to war against wizards, would they be able to convince enough people that magic was real and a threat, or would everyone think the Muggle leader had gone mad?
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If a Muggle state decided to go to war against wizards, would they be able to locate any wizards to fight against?
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Can technological detectors (e.g. infrared) see through magical invisibility?
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Can satellites see through magical protections such as Unplottability and Muggle-Repelling Charms?
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Can electronic targeting systems on weapons effectively target locations which are under magical protections such as Unplottability and Muggle-Repelling Charms?
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Are magical locations like Diagon Alley and the Ministry enchanted against physical damage such as might be caused by bombs?
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Can defensive magic within the capabilities of an average Auror protect you from bullets?
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Can defensive magic within the capabilities of an average Auror protect you from a bomb?
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Can defensive magic within the capabilities of an average Auror protect you from a nuclear explosion?
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Can defensive magic within the capabilities of an average Auror protect you from radiation/fallout?
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If Muggles engaged in a full nuclear exchange, annihilating Muggle society, what would happen to wizards?
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: understanding of the universe.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: understanding of the human body and mind.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: communications.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: transportation.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: information storage and retrieval.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: medicine.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: entertainment.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: construction.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: fashion.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: sustainability.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: agriculture.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: professional services.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: government competence.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: espionage.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: sabotage.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: street level combat.
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: tactical destruction (e.g. individual buildings).
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: mass destruction (e.g. cities).
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Are wizards or Muggles more advanced in this area: industrial resilience (against e.g. supply shocks).
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Overall, who would win in a war between wizards and Muggles?
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