Crossroads Church Disaster Relief Asset Database
This form will help us know what assets we have within our church that we can call upon for times of disaster relief. These assets come in many forms, so don't feel like you need to check every box; the best way to help is to share with us the assets and skill sets you would be willing and ready to share in a time of disaster relief. (Please only list assets that are currently ready and available- not assets you plan to purchase or assets you have that are currently in disrepair. You can always update us!)
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Secondary Phone Number
May we text you? *
I have the following assets I would be willing to share in response to a disaster:
I have the following skill sets (and appropriate licenses, if applicable) that I would be willing to share in response to a disaster:
I have the following assets or skillsets that were not listed above:
Any additional information we should know:
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