Whistle Blower Issue Reporting Form (GHCL Limited)
Please fill up this Form to report your issue. After successful submission of this Form, the coordinator will look into it and respond to you accordingly.
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Email *
Your Name *
Area of disclosure *
Please choose the Area of issue from this list to categorize your inputs most accurately.
Financial Irregularities - Any other
Applicable only if you have selected "Financial Irregularities - Any other" from the above drop down.
1.      Business Unit / Business associates for which complaint is filed *
2.      Name of the person who is involved in malpractices or on whose instruction malpractices taking place
Please provide details in the below given input fields.
Full Name *
Division *
If you don't know the exact Division name, please write "Don't know" in the text box below.
Department *
If you don't know the exact Department name, please write "Don't know" in the text box below.
3.      Detail of incident or violations *
Please provide details to describe the matter.
4.      Details of person/department who tried to conceal the facts from management *
5.      Details of document / evidence in support of complaint. The Whistle blower coordinator may ask you for a copy of such evidences.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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