OLLI Course Proposal Form
Information provided in this course proposal will be used by OLLI volunteer leadership and staff to incorporate your offering into our semester program.  If you have not taught at OLLI before, or not volunteered recently, you may be contacted by the Instructor Support Team to take part in our mentor program, to help ensure you have a terrific experience!  All instructors are encouraged to review the Instructor’s Handbook found on our website:  www.olliatclemson.org.  For specific questions, feel free to contact OLLI staff person Amanda Turner at 864-633-5242 or amandat@clemson.edu.

Please complete the form below as completely and accurately as possible, and thank you for being such an integral part of your regional lifelong learning community!  

Be sure to include your email address to receive a copy of your proposal form.

We want your experience teaching at OLLI to be stellar. Our volunteers have created resources especially for instructors located at https://www.olliatclemson.org/instructor.

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Who You Are:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Cell phone
Home phone
Which style of course do you prefer? *
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