Survey - KTH Food Network
Thank you for your contribution to the KTH Food Sustainability workshop on Wednesday March 13! We  appreciate that you qre taking the time to fill in this  workshop evaluation survey.
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Please choose the categorie that best describes your position *
Please indicate how you identify *
Describe in one sentence your main area of interest within Food Sustainability *
One of the goals of the workshop was “Networking and meeting researchers with similar and complementary interests”  
How well was the workshop organised to meet that goal? *
Not well at all
Very well, thank you!
Did you meet any new researchers who you will, or already have, followed up contact with? *
Another goal of the workshop was to be a “Catalyst for applications in the area of Food Sustainability: e.g. new calls from Formas, Mistra”. Do any of the statements below apply to you? *
In the future we would like to consolidate an internal network at KTH for Food Sustainability with continuous contact and activities. How would you like to participate? *
Please share any other comments here:
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