PLUS Tutoring Application
Are you interested in doubling math learning for underserved middle school students? Personalized Learning Squared (PLUS), a collaboration between Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford University, and Carnegie Learning, is looking for tutors!

As a tutor, you will receive training from the PLUS team and will work with small groups of students at local schools, to help them build their math skills. This is a virtual opportunity for 2024 which CMU students are eligible to apply for. You are able to work up to 10 hours a week. Compensation will be provided.  

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Tutoring Team at
Email *
Are you over the age of 18? *
Legal First Name *
Preferred First Name
Legal Last Name *
Andrew ID *
Major/Department *
School Year *
Are you in Pittsburgh? *
Are you on a Visa? *
What tutoring experience do you have?
What motivates you to work with PLUS and support our students?
Please answer the following question and explain it in a way that would be clear and relatable to a student. *
Captionless Image
How would you approach motivating and re-engaging a student who seems disengaged or distracted?
Please indicate which languages you are comfortable tutoring in *
Please share link to your resume below *
  • Upload your resume to a Google Drive.
  • Ensure the file is viewable by anyone with the link.
  • Copy the shareable link to your resume file and paste it in the space provided below.
  • How did you find out about tutoring opportunity @PLUS? *
    Who is the Current PLUS Tutor (first and last name or Andrew ID) who referred you to this position?
    Anything else you would like to share?
    A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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